"Crest Questers"

Rex's CRSTQST license plate
His idea and he made it happen.
Photo courtesy of Harry Ford
Click on plate above to see "Memorial to Rex Herron"

Bob Cardell
Photo courtesy of Bob Cardell and Pat Hammes
Click on photo above to see "Memorial to Bob Cardell"

Crest Questers
Meeting at the Cadillac Chaparral

Hard at Work
Photo courtesy of Bob Cardell

Pat Hammes - Field Break Time

Margie Pleggenkuhle's Field Morning coffee?
Drink is on Rex's Pickup

The Gang - Magazine Article Coming on CSS
in the Cactus and Succulent Journal by Bill Thornton - lower right corner
Photo courtesy of Bob Cardell

Ted did it!!!

Disabled "CRSTQST" Vehicle
Bob, And you are going to jump the Grand Canyon?

CSS attended a Forever Wild Fiesta
We enjoyed a festive buffet and watched them release a hawk to the wild

Christine H. took the group photo above
with Bob's camera. She wanted to experience a "Crest hunt with Bob & Pat"
Photo courtesy of Bob Cardell

CSS National Headquarters
Photo courtesy of Bob Cardell

CSS Board of Directors
Photo courtesy of Bob Cardell

Where we find Crested Saguaro's
Photo courtesy of Bob Cardell

Joe O. & Phil K. in Action
Click here for more Joe & Phil in action photos

January 20, 2023: CSS members meet with reporter and photographer for Wall Street Journal article
Left to Right: Joe Orman, Harry Ford, Ted Codding, Pat Hammes

Click here for a PDF file of the article

Screen captures of the print edition (click each page for full-size image):

April 24, 2024: Harry Ford crested saguaro presentation at SaddleBrooke Hiking Club meeting
Crested Saguaros of the Sonoran Desert (YouTube video)