Crested Saguaro #945 in Pima County, AZ

"Two-Dollar Bill"

Close Up
SX50_IMG_17000_mod (12-26-2018) photo courtesy of Joe Orman

Full View - Other Side
SX50_IMG_16995_mod (12-26-2018) photo courtesy of Joe Orman

4 Years Later - Close Up
B500_DSCN3307_mod (01-22-2023) photo courtesy of Joe Orman

More Than 5 Years Later - Close Up
B500_DSCN9387_mod (04-25-2024) photo courtesy of Joe Orman

Close Up - Other Side
B500_DSCN9386_mod (04-25-2024) photo courtesy of Joe Orman

AZ. g" h'(w'+w')/2
= xxx Two-Dollar Bill
Joe Orman12-26-2018(w+h+d)
=xxx Standing
?g h(w+w)/4
=xxx ??(w+h+d)
?g h(w+w)/4
=xxx ??(w+h+d)